Ch-Ch-Ch- Ch- Changes Day 11 of the 2016 year and so much has been happening. It is like we are in a vortex swirl of fast expansion and change that can be challenging for our human emotions to keep up with. Yes, it has been a lot across the globe and in our own worlds, breaking the mold of who we are.
The Universe has been filled with planets shifting this early part of January. You may have felt the energy of something feeling a bit off or uncomfortable in your world. Rest assured, it is Divine making sure everything is in place for what is to come in this year of 2016. Just know, there is more to come. Divine is taking us deep within to review and look at our actions, material needs, beliefs, desires and to examine things that may affect our spiritual path. We may feel encouraged to release relationships that hold us back and to pour into those that bring support, love, and healthy challenge to build a secure foundation. Refinement is to let go of what God is pruning. Change habits and start new ones that offer a healthier mind, body and soul. Write your one year plan of desires, do a vision board, get silent (my favorite) seek with-in for clarity and release the greatness that has been waiting to come forth. We just had the first new moon of the year January 10th offering us great time to ponder what we desire both long term and until the next new moon. I have a new moon ritual of ruin stone readings that I have done for the last 4 years while keeping a log allowing myself to witness my personal transformation, and to serve as a reminder of my desires, keeping me on task for the year. You may have one of your own but if not, it’s a good year to start one allowing you to be reminded of your path of transformation. Many have experienced loved ones transitioning to the brighter side, and this portal will continue until early February. As we experience or hear of this we are also hearing of the miracle of births. Yes, our future world changers are arriving. Just watch the internet of amazing 2-10 year olds who’s talents outshine those on the planet now. They carry knowledge of universal wonders and soul evolution with consciousness to past experiences that is starting the transformation of what we currently know in our world. Ch-ch-ch-changes…yes they are fully in place and happening. David Bowie said it best with the song “Changes” that time may change me, but I can’t trace time. Below is my in depth information on the planets shifts with dates to know and how they will effect us this month (hold on tight). Understand I am not an astrologer, I just channel information given for the planet aspects we are experiencing. Jupiter retrograde; January 7 through May 9th. Jupiter is our eyeglass to understanding with broader concepts, values and ethics of expansion and growth that inspires prosperity and abundance. It represents increase of expansion in the material level, and defines you to see the big picture. Being in retrograde slows down any projects or plans, it lets you review your ethics, what is important to you materially and what you want, and that which reflects the true you inside. Jupiter will remind you if you have too much on your plate and assist you to release what is not serving you to bring back balance. Don’t be surprised if choose to take life altering steps during this time. Mercury retrograde; January 5-25 It begins early in Aquarius and then backs into Capricorn. Mercury retrograde gets us thinking about our personal worlds, where things are going, looking at your current relationships (friends, family, intimate, business) and choosing those you want to release and those that you want to strengthen. This is not a time for new ventures or large purchases unless they have been in progress for last 30 days. Avoid electronics and anything with moving parts, for you will not be satisfied and / or have many problems with the purchase which will cause you stress. Keep in mind Mercury Retrograde is about looking back. It is a good time to step into a closer relationship with those who have supported you, and who really matter. It is time to correct any area to bring you peace in your life, to let go of od habits, beliefs and relationships that have held you back. This process builds a solid foundation of your 2016-year ahead. Since moving through Aquarius and Capricorn, this just tells you that those signs will go into a deeper review of their world and allow adjustments for their future. New Moon in Capricorn – January 10 This new moon tells us it is time to develop our dreams and aspirations in a realistic way, while our ambition is awakening allowing us to set attainable goals using common sense and our maturity from our personal experiences. It is time to work on self-discipline and to see our responsibilities. Time to write out your monthly plan on what you truly want but keep in mind the other aspects that movement may be slow and review is the first part of the 2016 year that continually plays over and over in our minds. Mars in Scorpio until March 5 – Mars in Scorpio is at home for it is the original ruler. Scorpio is a deep, dark sign that would destroy something just to recreate it in a new way. being average is unsatisfying and you may be drawn to crises to transform and it does emotionally excite you. Scorpio is about physical energy and actions, a sense of adventure, assertive behavior, courage, strength and confidence, struggle, strife and anger – so… any planets in Scorpio will exhibit tenacity and intensity with a hidden agenda. Mars in Scorpio is going to rock your world to make changes needed by taking you on a rollercoaster ride that is intense, scary and yet exhilarating, giving you the strength to pursue your own desires for your personal transformation. Full moon January 23 in Leo. This full moon is known at the wolf moon, appearing when the wolves howled in hunger outside the villages. The name itself offers warning, for awareness and caution, for the wild gather and are hungry. Mercury turns direct on January 25. If during the few days before and few days after you feel like the gate was opened (Wolf Moon) letting you express yourself in the romantic, and creative world, just know that your inner wild child will want to take control because girl wants to get her party on in these areas. She is the one that leaves destruction behind by filling her hunger of restless desires.…caution! Be aware of how you communicate with others, for your brutal honesty may be too big of a pill for those around you to swallow and cause discord.
AuthorInsights and Intuitive sharing by Karol Lee Archives
January 2025