Moons, Eclipses and Planets…OH MY! I admit it! A lot is going on and the cycles of moons, eclipses and planets are pushing us forward into change. We have no choice and any resistance will only cause pain, frustration and chaos. But, if we allow the twists and turns of life to lead us forward we get to continually witness expansion and do what our souls most desire - creating! To me this early part of 2018 is like witnessing a structure being torn down with great resistance and sadness for it has many memories and it carries a piece of you with it. When the debris is cleared away it allows a vision to come forward of what can be. It sparks motivation and creativity that brings in the new. When we realize we get to choose and manifest a new vision in an unlimited way, we feel empowered and create with a passion. We celebrate what is to come and will last for a a long time. That grief once felt is replaced with joy and excitement of the new. January 2018 came bringing 2 full moons - one on Jan 1, 2018 and the second came bringing the start of the eclipse season on January 31 with a Full Moon Eclipse. A good rule of thumb to remember is that Eclipses come in pairs. Note: Eclipses are associated with significant events in one’s life. January 31: Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo- Tough love February 15: New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius – Turbo charged new moon bringing balance. Whenever there is an Eclipse emotions will get all stirred up and we may even feel edgy, sensitive and snappy. This brings forward areas of healing and allows us to take a deeper look into our life of what is serving us and what is not. The January Super Blood Blue Moon (or Old Moon) brought the Lunar Eclipse in Leo. The last one was in 1982. It’s here to shake things up, such as boundaries, relationships, being heard, letting go and creating new connections. Full Moons highlight and magnify problems in our life, helping us focus on them in order to bring balance by encouraging us to get creative to fix, start something new or release what is holding us back. Don’t loose focus on the problem but stick with the solution. What you focus on expands! The Jan 31 Lunar eclipse came bringing closure to the Eclipse energy from August 2017. We were given 6 months of lessons, changes, growth and endings to help our journey ahead. Whatever the August 2017 Eclipse brought you will see come to closure. While riding that August 2017 Solar Eclipse wave, you may have created a new vision, business, addition to the family or made relationship or lifestyle changes. This Eclipse brought memorable events into our life and they highlight where change was needed. It mostly affects Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, and Aquarius. February is the only month in 2018 without a Full Moon. Full moons are a time of closing doors, endings and letting go. February is providing time to focus on the future and not the past. February 15 brings a new moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius effecting Taurus, Leo, Scorpios and Aquarius signs as well as Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius and Pisces. New wave, new ride! The reality of a cause or relationship that needs some changes will become apparent. if you are devoted to something so deep that you are at the point of losing yourself its time to make some changes. There may be a current job, relationship or friendship that you are deeply devoted to but that is making you unhappy. This will challenge your relationship and devotion to see if it is really worth it. To truly love is to give with out expectation but if your giving is out of balance, its time to make changes. On Feb 16 the Chinese New Year Changes from the year of the Rooster to the Dog. If you are like me it is time to Feng Shui the home. Each year my home is aligned with the incoming energy cycle and their influences adjusting my home environment to make it as harmonious as possible for the current year. The year of the dog brings a grounding that helps us create the life we desire in a solid way. The dog is associated with the Earth, and helps us remain rooted in creating. Planet Jupiter entered Scorpio on October 10, 2017 until November 8, 2018. Don’t let that scare you. Scorpio is known to be a mysterious, secretive, intense, and passionate sign. This energy helps us take off the rose colored glasses and look within to what really matters and what within us needs to heal. Many may seek major life changes or seek professional help with a counselor or life coach to dig deep. Jupiter defines our understandings of the larger picture in life. bringing advancement and progress. This inspires prosperity and abundance, optimism and joy as well as spirituality and opportunity. It brings generosity, honesty and deep thoughts. It’s a transformational time, and is best to utilize this for self healing and moving on from what has been holding you back. Mercury Retrograde March 22 to April 15 helps you make sure there are no weak links in your new creations and relationships. It is a time to review, realign, redo and release what was not fitting into your new vision for 2018. et me summarize what all this means: Let me summarize what all this means: October 10, 2017 - November 8, 2018. Planet Jupiter in Scorpio This time brings luck and shows us the bigger picture in life. There will be a passion to create while bringing abundance and showing the hidden aspects in one’s life that need to be healed. January 31 – Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Leo – This stirs things up to make necessary changes and brings strong emotions so you may want to keep them in check or walk away when needed. Your voice is strong, and your boundaries are clear. This can disrupt your sleep cycle. February 15 brings a new moon Solar Eclipse in Aquarius – This is a time to gain closure to the full moon endings from January 31. Intuition is strong and you will have clarity and focus on love and relationships, health and medicine. February 16 – Chinese New Year – Year of the Dog is grounding and a time to make sure all relationships are of love and integrity. It helps us with all the changes in our life not to loose faith. If you want to know more about your Chinese Astrology sign for 2018 email me with your birth year and I will reply with a reference scan of your animal sign of detail and monthly quick reference. Mercury Retrograde March 22 to April 15 – Me telling you this is more a save the date to have awareness for if you are booking travel or planning any major software updates or communication events. More information to come... Blessings, Karol Lee
AuthorInsights and Intuitive sharing by Karol Lee Archives
January 2025