MERCURY RETROGRADE –August 12 ends September 5th
This is about money and love. It is a time to think on your feet and be prepared to adapt to whatever comes your way. Mercury retrogrades are suitable for all the ‘re′ words: rethinking, reflecting, revising, and redoing. Don′t start anything new but revisit existing plans and make sure they hold water. The eclipse will give an energy charge making it possible for you to move forward with clarity once all the planetary pandemonium has passed Mercury retrograde vibrates the energy that highlights the areas that need correction. It brings forth changes and outcomes that are for the highest good and it also brings challenges. This Mercury Retrograde is happening during the energy between the two eclipses making the energy particularly powerful. There is a death and rebirth of sorts. Read more about that on the Solar Eclipse post that was previously sent. This energy can bring endings and beginnings in relationships. This will allow for a new one or it has the ability to strengthen a current relationship for a solid future. It all depends on what the relationship foundation is built on. This cycle starts in Virgo and ends in Leo which tells us this will bring significant changes in finances and or love life. I don’t prefer to point out negatives but if we look at this like electrical wiring there are both negative and positive areas. Both have a key role for the flow of energy. Challenges can be: areas of fear, insecurity, suspicion, lying, deception, fraud, and adultery just to name a few. This energy helps us to correct all that is out of alignment and to create a new life. There are times that no amount of love in a relationship can be corrected. This is especially true if it carries deceit, suspicion and mistrust and will make for an impossible reconciliation. If there is fraud it will be revealed. These challenges bring forward strength and opportunities to improve your relationships in love and finances. If you are single or in a relationship you can expect to be talking about trust and matters of the heart. You may commit to a relationship or see if one works. You may also may choose to end one. Remember each relationship is important for the time being and not all are forever. It is to see the lessons you gained with that relationship, even out of negative situations, which allows you to grow and apply the wisdom into your life. Mercury retrograde can always prove to be a gremlin and play havoc with communication, travel, electronics, and mind thoughts. Double check all details in your communication in emails and social media before hitting the send button…oh and make sure you are sending it to the right person. Remember what you say, good and bad, can be revealed for others to see. Mercury brings a delay in contracts and financial payments coming your way. Business negotiations will be in a phase of flux so avoid signing contracts at all costs if for a new venture. If it is one you have been working on for some time then you should be ok. Just double check all details before signing on the dotted line. When Mercury goes retrograde it is not the time to do any surgical beautification procedures. Do not go “under the knife,” including Botox or other injections. The outcome can bring a disappointment. Remember there is a shadow period of Mercury Retrograde so you can expect to feel the energy starting today! How to best utilize this energy: Always have caution with your words for they become alive creating your future. What you speak today creates your tomorrow. Speak positive with others in all you do. Double-check all facts, numbers, contracts, trains, planes and automobiles when traveling. Prepare to take what you need during times of delays. Inform others of potential delays, to disarm any negative perceptions Positive: There is a protection in this energy. It can make you see that an investment may not be as good as it looked and allow time to do more research and to correct any area that could save you money. It can allow time to have communication in a relationship or to correct or change any reckless actions that could sabotage it. It can allow you to eliminate old habits for a better you. Look within and be aware of any negative thoughts that are playing in your mind and immediately change that negative belief with a positive one breaking any repetitive patterns. Negative thoughts are chains and shackles holding you back from your greatness. Its time to break any negative habits. Mercury retrograde is like boot camp for correcting any areas that have discord to make us stronger. Embrace it and know it is making you stronger for your future in business and love. Blessings, Karol lee
August 2017 Lunar and Solar Eclipse. What you should know. August 2017 Brings Change and Focus on Business and Love. This month brings powerful energy that affects us for our highest good. There is so much information to share it can be overwhelming. I found it a bit challenging to simplify and share what can be helpful and important so that you can navigate with ease. I hope this does.
August brings an adrenalin rush of the unexpected with a side of fear of the unknown to all. This month will be like a ride on a roller coaster at an amusement park, and I am here to tell you to make sure your seatbelt is snug and snapped in. Some will cry, some will laugh and some will toss their hands up and go with the flow. Remember it does come to an end and you will know whatever your experience change for your highest good will fall into place FULL MOON LUNAR ECLIPSE The beginning of August brings the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse on August 7, 2017 in the astrological sign of Aquarius. Aquarians are like butterflies and can be all over the place much like our emotions may be. The strongest and most important energy is felt four (4) days before the eclipse and remains in the background of the eclipse itself. So, you may start feeling an intense energy starting August 3, 2017 While the Lunar Eclipse affects the astrological signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius the most significantly all signs will feel it. The lunar eclipse highlights emotions, home life and partners. This encourages harmony in relationships through endings or beginnings This month of eclipses will have many effects and can bring many emotions to the surface. At times you may feel like you are all over the place with ambition, drive and agitation. It helps you to aim high but can bring polarities in your life with potential relationship tensions. These tensions highlight what needs to be corrected or what you do not desire any longer in your life. This energy puts a focus on relationships that are out of balance and motivates all to become more in touch with ones own needs and intentions with others. Part of this phase of the Lunar eclipse highlights major events and has influence over humanity bringing changes in the global political world. It is also known to bring storms at sea. NEW MOON SOLAR ECLIPSE The Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017 is the first since February 26, 1979 that Americans have experienced. Eleven states will witness and experience the eerie sensation of Totality but no state in the contiguous 48 will escape the energy of it. A New Moon Solar Eclipse is the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. Eclipses come in pairs that complement each other with the work that they bring. They bring the energy that will last until the January 2018 Lunar Eclipse. This new moon solar eclipse comes in Leo which affects those born in these astrological signs: Taurus, Leo, Scorpio, Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius, and Pisces. While these signs are affected the most Significantly, no signs are immune from this energy or affect. For those of you into astrology, the new moon falls in the house of Leo, the fifth house that represents Romance, expression, creativity, and showmanship. It moves into Virgo, the 6th house, representing health, organization, efficiency and logic. There are many astrological interpretations of this. Please, understand I am not an astrologer but an intuitive that receives information on the energy and planets. When any eclipse affects the moon, expect an ending of an old habit or way of experiencing life. A solar eclipse represents the end of one cycle and the beginning of a new cycle. The new future ahead ,old habits, behaviors and beliefs most often are questioned and the desire for new and creative ways to move forward in ones journey can become a priority. During this time animals can express confusion. Birds may act a bit crazy and so will some people. This is a great time to make a fresh start in areas in which you want change. Write a list of what it is you desire to have in your life and allow this energy to help you make the changes needed to achieve them. Setting intentions are important for their influence lasts for six months instead of four weeks. This change motivates us to succeed with business and projects. You will feel an intense energy or drive in your careers allowing you to meet your goals. Along with this please remember the Lunar eclipse energy and focus of personal relationships are still in affect. This time points to bold changes leading to long-term success. Your efforts and hard work in the past will bring growth and position you on the stage for all to see. There is a caution here- Many will desire to rise without care for the drive of success will be so strong. Remember the old saying “Don’t get to big for your britches”. Don’t toss a loyal friend away or under the bus for a new bright and shiny one. You may find that the new will no longer be with you when you are not top dog or in the limelight. There can be a big rise and fall in power and with leaders but remember that those in leadership with strong ambitions will gain great success and increase in power their way. (FYI: Donald Trump is a Gemini and has great ambition) These people will have the confidence to make dramatic changes but any rising star can fall from Grace and with this energy the fall could be spectacular. These effects bring higher self -awareness, changing of old beliefs, and an increase in intuition that can lead to self discovery and revelations. It will motivate and energize you to complete your goals and set new ambitions for personal growth. This energy helps you change destructive behaviors and addictions by bringing a strong desire to break old habits and find new interests. It will be hard to keep anything in the dark. It is time to be brave enough to be totally and brutally honest with one’s self and you may be forced to come clean about any secrets. Many will be wearing their hearts on their sleeves during this time. Be aware and kind. Remember the full moon on August 7th brings endings. This allows new seeds to form and to be planted by the New Moon intentions on August 21st. A normal new moon cycle lasts up to four weeks. The eclipses work the same BUT they are more influential and over a longer period. The Solar Eclipse effect lasts for years while the lunar eclipse lasts up to six months. Happy expansion! |
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January 2025