Fire away! We had a powerful, full moon November 25th shifting us from second gear to fifth gear, putting us on the highway of expansion, while reminding us our inner and soul work needs to be done before the end of 2015. Strap on your seatbelts. The universe has called us into the office, telling us to drop everything! There is a priority headline project to get out – are you on board? Behold the unexpected plot twist! With the full moon in Gemini, and Saturn squaring Neptune in effect, it will have you questioning your dreams and preparing you for a new road that the Universe has been quietly working behind the scenes clearing for you. Neptune is our dreams, wishes and escape from reality. Saturn rules order and structure to make sure we are always paying attention to reality. The energy of these two planets can feel intense (I sure have been hit hard!). This can be looked at two ways: one as a boxing fight of two planets not getting along battling it out, or as a balance that the universe has provided. It is like Saturn is the Yen to the Neptune’s Yang bringing a balance. Either way from this energy you can expect either a new beginning OR a push into old habits. Wait and watch what these planets have to teach us. This month, along with the moon, they are shining a light allowing us to find our highest truth and get clear on where we need to make decisions. The energy of these two planets makes us feel we are in a place of unknown, a fork in the road with no clear signs of which path to take. This path, like our etch-a-sketch, has been cleared from what we had designed, forcing us create a new design or path. At this time, we do not need to make these decisions quickly but should be patient to wait for guidance to show the way. Pay attention to what is happening around you and practice patience. Use this energy for your highest good. See what is tugging at your heart as desire, what weighs heavily on you that you need to change, and dig in to find what will bring you into your truth and happiness. This can be hard when Saturn’s energy reminds us of boundaries of security while at the same time Neptune is sending you to the land of day dreams. Is there something better out there and what holds you back? The energy of the Full moon will be with us until December 11 so take advantage of this time. That will set your path in motion until September 2016. We are being forced to face issues we have been avoiding or putting off. Its time to deal with bad habits, fears, poor behaviors, addictions, money spending, relationship and job changes. Look closely at what may be holding you back and what sacrifices you need to make to grow. This is God’s pruning time! This is the big nudge to simplify and detoxify so you can get it right. Oh, did I mention that Mercury, the planet that defines your thinking process, and communication showing your work is in the mix! Don’t let your sharp edge or your active mind fuel your ego or fear during all this change. Just saying… It’s a time to see things for the first time, break free and make changes. Let your amazing, sexy, bright, light shine!
Inner Child This 3 day card serves as a reminder to address our inner child, and have some fun. Not to let family stress, or last minute work concerns derail us with this time of gratitude. These few days you may experience a personal agitation or another's words may trigger you. It is time to allow self love, and release any hidden shame, depression or being self critical. This inner child is what I refer to as a "fragment" it is a piece of our soul, that was frozen in time,due to a belief that was taken on, a tragedy, fear, loss, anything that is a trigger, a reaction that lights your fire and takes you out of harmony with yourself. It is a great opportunity to comfort that fragment or lonely orphan with in, and let them know they are deeply loved, that you as the adult, will care and love them . You will find comfort with this process, with practice and guidance it offer deep healing and brings the peace you seek. Remember to have fun, enjoy, laugh, sing and dance. You deserve it!
Your Friday 20 -Sunday 22 card - HONESTY
I find such a divine voice with this card being pulled along with the post about the planet Neptune revealing our hidden aspects. This divine Mother Mary card is about self-honesty. It is a reindeer to be honest with ourselves with any situation that presents itself this weekend. Look at any feelings, emotions, confusion or annoyances that come forth. This can be when you are around others or even alone. Be aware of a potential trigger, that could evoke an emotion activating it into motion. By being honest with yourself, you can merge that aspect and gain inner strength by being in touch with your true feelings. Otherwise, you will be reacting instead of taking charge. Take some quiet time to look at and evaluate your feelings. Put your ego on the shelf and go deep. Your feelings are your GPS of information that the Universe / God / Divine want to communicate to you. Enjoy your weekend! Today’s Planet of Neptune offers a potential intense day I am not an astrologer. I do however receive information, with getting a spiritual tap on my shoulder about planet movements, that I need to be aware of. I then allow the channeled information to come forward, offering guidance and insights as to what can be expected, and how to navigate. Neptune the God of the sea, rules over the darkest depths of the ocean and our soul. He rules the unseen world that we cannot explain and he is responsible for our ability to fantasize and create, this energy of Neptune you will feel internally, with sensitivity, emotions and your conscious awareness to this aspect. Focusing on a task can be just that, a “task” for sure. Don’t be distracted from your path or set intentions by what happens around you, things may seem as a tidal wave hitting you hard and feel as if you are knocked down. Neptune has been retrograde since June 2015, bringing forth truths that we had not seen. Now at a stationary position ready to move direct, allowing us to see things in a different way, yet again. Really!?! Just when we thought we had our balance. Neptune is the planet that effects our imagination, and perception bringing Illusions and delusions. Obligations and sacrifices, sensitivity, and psychic impressions, and the Mystical tendencies - welcome to my world! Neptune defines your compassion, tolerance and patience side. Can bring forth musical or creative side. This is a great time to allow, embrace the emotion and be in this creativity. Intuitive awakenings, Songwriters delight, Artists visions, at times embracing the pain of our emotions, it brings forth great beauty. Think about it singer and songwriter, Sam Smiths pain and heartbreak took him to number one on the music charts, bringing prosperity and worldwide tours. Just by kissing the wrong boy, and channeling his pain into his songs! Neptune also awakens our self-destructive behavior. – Yeah, you know that self-saboteur, the terrorist inside that we all work hard at putting to sleep. Like the crazed sorority sister, that talks you into going out and getting drunk and the next day you wake to witness extreme damage from the night before, in which you were witnessing like a watching a horrible movie while it was happening. Be aware and comfort that tantrum destructive fragment, by putting it back to sleep – deep sleep1 Neptune is going to challenge us to look beyond our dreams, our realities and the truth to see the bigger picture. This is why I pointed out not to be derailed from your intentions, to keep focus through the heavy fog, and navigate to your best. Turn on the faith button, and allow your intuition to speak to you. This effect does bring good – Neptune helps us understand something’s are better left as they are and we do not need to understand only accept and acknowledge “it is, what it is” Neptune won’t return to its full direct cycle until March, so use this time wisely and ponder on facing your truths. This time does bring the hidden out from the shadows, what we find hidden away, allows us to come into our truth of who we are. We are given through our challenges the strength that takes us forward on our journey. Breathe, meditate, ask for support and you will be just fine. There are times, you have to go deep, in order to find the richest hidden treasures. New Moon Wednesday November 11, 2015 at 11:47 Central timeNew moon in Scorpio is about revealing hidden aspects of ones self. Scorpio sign and energy is known for power, money and sex, being known as a dark new moon. This mysterious Scorpio energy reveals the truth of who we are, by stripping away perception, and ones mask that had at one time served as protection but now is the time to reveal the true you. This new moon helps you get to the root of things, to finalize a project you have been working on, pitch it to your colleges and process the feedback for seeds of expansion, and harnessing the emotions to not take as personal criticism. As an animal rams a tree to shake food loose, one may feel that the core of which they are is being shaken, to continually let go of what has not been serving you and allowing room for the new fruit of expansion. This is a great time to set a small intention list, to build upon, finish, or start for the following month. It is also an opening for change of those who have had a well-lived life and being called home to our creator. What you may experience
This intuitive readings is a general overview, if you like more information, please consider a personal intuitive reading. Here we are in November and what a year it has been!
We have experienced a time that has allowed big personal expansions for many. It been an intense year for most, and many changes, release of things in life that no longer serve, and quiet time allowing us to embrace the new. I liken this to cleaning out or reorganizing the closet of life. With only 2 months until the new year it is time to take a good look at life and make sure we have done or doing just that. Here is my intuitive sharing for November, of what you can expect: The Universe is encouraging us to letting go of old wounds, hurts, and pain that we have been holding on to, Expect soul growth in the following way. Unknown aspects or fragments of who you may emerge, You may remember a moment from the past that merges with your soul, that may offer an integration for healing, releasing of fear, anxiety, and teaching you not to doubt your own strengths. Don't ignore it for the healing is imperative to the new year of 2016. Because this year end energy is so intense, what your beliefs of what is negative, actually is a positive for your path of expansion. If you are experiencing an ending, remember that while you may be feeling sense of loss, it will allow your spirit to make room for the new that is to come into your life. Many will experience a loss of sorts, making room for what is to catapult you forward. It can be a client in business. Change in therapist, or doctor, or something in the medical field. A loved one's soul maybe ready to evolve and leaving our company on this earthy planet. An ending of a partnership, or discussion of ending a married relationship is possible. An animal may leave or a new animal may come into your home. If you are single, it is time of opening of hearts that have been closed off, and releasing the old of what no longer serves you. In relationships, having an understanding of what you have learned will allow you to be open to experiencing a deeper, intimate relationship, Learn to trust and fully step into it with the open heart knowing even that it may be for a short time. This new relationship is a salve that heals old wounds. It is a changing of the guards. Out with the old and in with the new, is needed for out expansion, Its the cycle of life. Don't hold the door shut to these these experiences, for the new is standing right outside, trying to open it. The new moon November 11 in Scorpio, offers a sweetness, you may feel your attractive side shining! November 25, in Gemini (one day before Thanksgiving in the United States) As we get closer to the full moon you may feel some outside pressure from Saturn. This may be especially noticed during family visits and gatherings. Ask others for support if you are hosting a gathering, if attending, be aware of those who need assistance. Do not get caught up in family challenging words for it will only become heated. Breath deep and with ease, 2 days before and 2 days after. Being aware of your emotions and harness your reactions to others or situations. More details from my resource. November 3rd, Jupiter forms an opposition with Chiron. This will also recur in February and August 2016. It is a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith. Something might happen that challenges our beliefs, and we are made aware of it through a relationship or someone's perspective. We might also feel alone in our opinions, visions, or plans for the future, as others don't seem to understand our vision. Choices we've made in the past may no longer seem wise. It is important to look within and come to a greater understanding of what we truly need or believe, rather than blindly following something that doesn't truly serve our purpose.(what resonates with you?) New business endeavors may require a closer look before pushing forward. A project may have ended and now we're feeling restless without it, or we could face challenges in relationships due to differing beliefs and expectations. On November 5th, Jupiter forms a quincunx with Uranus. This aspect will also recur in 2016, in March and August. We can experience restlessness under this influence. We need to make changes, but may not know what or when, and there can be bursts of rebelliousness if we are not in touch. We should probably refrain from making dramatic changes until we're clearer about what we want. A New Moon energizes the sign of Scorpio on the 11th. We are encouraged to move away from our comfort zone and to welcome new ways to live, heal, and transform. It's a time for taking a good look at what we may have chosen to sweep under the carpet. Taking the time to understand others' motives can enrich our feelings of intimacy, forgiveness, and sense of meaning. We might want to use this cycle to focus on and develop one special project or relationship in order to help add purposefulness and depth to our lives. Neptune turns direct on the 18th, and many of the illusions we have been holding onto emerge, confusing situations become clearer, and our creativity soars, or at least, we are more inclined to apply our creativity in the real world. Instead of thinking of this period as a time of disillusionment, we can see it as a time of illumination--when we increasingly see the light and become clearer, sharper, and more effective in the real world. We have more faith in our own dreams and visions, in others, and in belief systems. We increasingly seek inspiration from external sources. A Full Moon occurs in the sign of Gemini on the 25th, and can bring sudden awareness to our lives and a rather urgent need to know, to get an important message across, to finish a communications project, or to make an announcement. Travel and communications are in strong focus. Saturn forms a square with Neptune on the 26th - the first in a series that will recur in June and September, 2016. We've likely been feeling this energy in the past weeks and it will stick with us for much of 2016. Some feelings of disillusionment can come now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us. Financial restrictions may seem to block our plans, or we could feel a sudden lack of inspiration. We might be forced to face issues we've been avoiding or putting off, or deal with addictions, money drains, and other behaviors that have been dragging us down. Sacrifices may need to be made in order to gain materially or spiritually. It's important to simplify and detoxify, but also reach out to others for support and guidance. Over the coming year, it will be important to take a hard look at our addictions, fears, and attitudes that have us chained to situations and that keep us from growing. |
AuthorInsights and Intuitive sharing by Karol Lee Archives
January 2025