Mercury Retrograde December 3-22 in Sagittarius (Fire) and the Full Moon in Gemini (Air) December 3, 2017 will be a December to Remember. It's all about Balance. This may look like a lot…and honestly it is. I need to say, “Strap on your seatbelt”
But I prefer to give an explanation for why and what you should know. There are only certain areas effected by Mercury Retrograde and the Full Moon energy of emotion can bring the fire to the fuel for us to heal before the New Year arrives. As an intuitionist I pick up the information that is important for us to know and how this energy and the planets affect us. It is our final month to bring closure to 2017 and clear out any nagging thoughts or situations that are unresolved. It is about gaining clarity and removing all the mental blocks and thought patterns to enter 2018 with a fresh new outlook. This Mercury Retrograde in fire sign Sagittarius starts the same day as the Full Moon in Gemini. What does this mean for us? The Month of December can be filled with miscommunication and lots of emotions. Breathe before speaking and always make sure you say what you mean but don’t say it mean. Full Moon in Gemini energy is having us express our feelings and emotions from confusion, delusion, deception and disappointment. Mercury also rules the signs of Gemini influencing these emotions. Hallmark Channel ratings will be a big hit this Month. The planet of Mercury affects all of the following: intellect, intelligence, ability to think, gathering of information, communication while speaking and writing, Contracts, agreements, siblings, work and co-workers, and neighbors. It defines the thinking process and mental faculties. The Sagittarius sign rules these areas: Religion, Law (dealings with attorneys and legal affairs), College, Higher Education, Brothers and Sister in laws, foreign travel (long journeys and air travel), vacations, teachers, and publishing. These can all be areas of strong concern. Law, Airlines and Educational systems are being highlighted to me with a strong energy. Some believe Mercury Retrograde can be a challenging time but over the years I have discovered it is more of a saving grace and great teacher for our learning and expansion. It allows time to RE-think, RE-do, RE-evaluate, RE-lease in areas that need to be fixed. Take extra care that all legal documents have been reviewed , double check emails before hitting the send button and use caution with your words to siblings, significant others and co-workers. Someone could take what you say and easily be affected. Be aware of the pessimistic side for this energy will bring it forward. Keep your focus on being hopeful, and having a successful outcome of what ever you are facing. Mercury will bring expansion to what ever you are focusing on. Are you focusing on your healing, releasing, success and prosperity, or travails, hardships and financial lack? Whatever thoughts are circling around in your mind, just know that the December Mercury Retrograde and Full Moon energy is like a direct dial into creating and expanding that focus. NOTE: Mercury Retrograde can affect travel plans. It is best to double check all flight information and if changing flights make sure you have enough layover time between. If not it could bring delay throwing all of your connections off. Check in advance on all Hotels, car services and bank accounts for your travels. You will thank me later. If you plan on purchasing anything with moving parts for a Holiday Gift such as: computers, drones, watches, or automobiles I suggest you do it by Monday 27th before the shadow energy of Mercury Retrograde starts or wait until December 29th. If not it could be a major disappointment. REmember -To use this final Mercury Retrograde wisely, RElease - What is not serving you before we enter 2018. REdo - What in your life is showing up as a weak link to be fixed. REevaluate - All avenues of your path and decisions. REview - All emails, contracts, travels, business structure, intentions. Blessings, Karol Lee
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We are coming to the end of 2017, moving through holiday time and planet changes. Here are a few t things you should know.
November 4 – Full Moon in Taurus – Success, Love and building prosperity November 7 – Venus Goddess of Love in Scorpio – Deep intense actions, Sexy Secrets, loyalty and commitment, fearless in intimacy November 18 – New Moon – Scorpio - is a rather Challenged one with other planet happenings but brings a time of reflection on Internal patterns of behavior that needsto be changed. Deep dark are secrets released and it is a rebirth time for a fresh new start, for self- empowerment and for taking bold steps into the new. December 3-22 – Mercury Retrograde – Keep an eye out for my intuitive reading on what to expect with this. November 4 Full Moon - Taurus Bull is in the house No matter your sign you will still feel the effects under the full moon in Taurus. It is time to say goodbye to old beliefs, habits, and relationship baggage and to move past family drama. Make room for positive changes and creating your new and make your life the way you want it to be. The moon represents our deepest personal needs, our basic habits, reactions and unconscious. The moon pushes us into making important decisions. The cycle of the full moon moves into a new sign each month covering all 12 astrology signs in the year and helps us make changes for our expansion. This month Full Moon in Taurus is asking what in your life is completed and what needs to go away. If you reference the past its time to let that baggage go. It is time to Fine-Tune and make your dreams come true. The Frost Moon in Taurus is here to illuminate the clutter that needs to go into the trash and be emptied completely. This applies to both material and digital things. The great thing is that this shouldn’t be overly challenging or painful for those ready to let go and let in the new that happens to be waiting at the door. But, if you are stubborn as the Taurus bull, you won't experience this gift of change in your life and can be missing out on some amazing successes this month. It’s a passionate and creative full moon bringing learning experiences, and just so you know… intimate relationships are highlighted. ❤️ It is time to open up ones heart and allow a new comfort level and sexuality with your partner. The affection that you feel will easily be communicated by letting yourself unleash your romantic side. This will prove to be the right move and will strengthen your relationship. Maybe its time to let everyone know you are no longer swiping right to find the right one. In fact It also brings forward time to clean house and un-friend those people you have been waiting to let go of. This is the perfect time to etch-a-sketch ex’s that have long needed to go away from your digital data completely. Full Moons bring forward what is complete and time to let go - this includes relationships that have fulfilled their path. Uncoupling with love might be a theme for this time. The Taurus energy is about getting things done. Great opportunities can be coming your way if you are open and see the signs. Did I mention money follows in the steps of change? Prosperity is in the air for us all. But you need to let go in order to receive. Looking back will distract you from what is in front of you. It can hurt to let go, but this month it can hurt more to hold on. Let go of the past so the door to your future can be opened, and remember that when you let go something better comes along. It’s a Universal law of change. I am a believer in writing your desires down for they bring clarity in areas needed. This month is a great time to go deeper and list what it is you want in life. These could be in business success, health, finances or personal relationships. If looking for a relationship make a realistic list of what you want in that partner. What does that relationship look like? If currently in a relationship, get together and list what you both desire to create and change for in next month Mercury goes retrograde December 3-22. This gives you time to implement change in your life before the February 2018 Lunar Eclipse wave ends. Have a sexy Month! Karol Lee |
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