What an extraordinary card to have before our Christmas holiday.
Faith continually challenges our beliefs and strength. It is the rock in which we stand, that moves us forward on our journey. Are you being tested in this area or with your New Moon leap, and if so, this card is telling us that we need to believe, to stand on the faith of what actions we are taking are the right actions even if doesn't feel that way. Divine and faith go hand in hand. You don't see either, but you have to trust that it is there. The trust is what makes your desires happen. Having a week of silence at the Abbey of Gethsemani with the Monks who walk on faith, helped me get my footing on my rock. I find Gods sense of humor interesting in revealing this card. Taking advantage of the last new moon of the year, by looking in the mirror of my truth, it was just what I needed to remind me of my unwavering faith, to believe, trust, and allow that divine is at work in my life, that the changes I am making are moving me forward that my spiritual expansion is happening. What is your rock of faith and what are you doing to stand strong? Faith is believing in the unknown. It is believing that your requests, and prayers are not just heard but being answered. That your inner master, Christ, Mother Mary, God, Universe, Mother Gaia, Buddha, or who ever you turn too, is working behind the scenes and can see your future, your needs, your joys and delivers them. Faith heals, Faith opens our hearts, Faith makes our inner light shine so bright that nothing can extinguish it. In the season of love, faith is what shines the light. Today I have faith that all is divine!
This card aligns perfectly with the New Moon aspect of today. Divine is simply....Divine!
Inner Child speaks, bringing awareness, letting us know it is time to heal, to move forward on our path. Life is not about staying in one place, becoming complacent, it is about the experience of the journey, to explore, grow, press in and step out of our comfort zones. The child who always resides in each adult, is expressing, it is time to nurture this fragment inside that expresses pain, hurt, fear, sadness, anxiety, anger, and to comfort this child that is acting out, that feels neglected and to offer love and comfort, calming it, let it be the child that can simply play and have fun, that it doesn't have to protect you anymore that is is time for you to protect it and in a new way, telling this inner child not to worry, that you are embarking on a new path and to love you by sitting on the sidelines and cheer you on. It is time to look on the mirror and see the truth of who we are, to address that saboteur, trigger and share that it is time for a new way, a new journey, a new expression of who you are. This divine card goes hand in hand with the December New Moon, and with the Universe calling us to move forward! TRUST AND TAKE THE LEAP OF FAITH December 11, 2015 ~ New Moon in Sagittarius New moons are about planting seeds, gaining clarity and moving forward with action. It is time to step out of our comfort zone and pave the way for a fresh start. This new moon in December has a feminine effect and lets us process and think on how best to make changes that will assist us in shifting our thoughts and doing things differently to get results. This new moon gives usthe courage that is required to make the leap of faith with massive change from years of climbing the proverbial mountain. This is the time to reflect before taking action , to see what we have been choosing, what has held our attention and kept us stuck in our patternscausing us to repeat the same cycle over and over. Old habits, behaviors and beliefs are being highlighted. Look in the mirror of truth This new moon is challenging us to think differently and to unlock those thoughts or beliefs that at one time served us but are now holding us captive from moving forward. It is time to stop these repetitive cycles and replace them with something new. Sagittarius allows us to take chances, to take the leap of faith. This energy helps us open up to discover something new about ourselves. It allows us to see we that we are strong and powerful beings inside a body that makes us believe we are limited and it is time to look past outward appearances and what society dictates and just go for it. As I type this, I am being shown an automobile representing our bodies in this earthly experience. It is time to get new tires, a shiny coat of paint,and new engine that lets us really get going. I love how God talks to me in pictures! It is time to go within and explore, to believe in the unknown, to dig deep and unlock the secrets that are hidden within us, and to believe that we can create our reality and attain what ever desire we hold. We just need to adjust our mind thoughts to release what limits us. This new moon will reveal the things that no longer serve us. Our highest need will be revealed and allow us to start something new and do things differently. They have been knocking at the door since the November full moon to get our attention – you know those nagging thoughts of what you should be doing and yet, find yourself not doing. To be honest I am ready for this new moon and ready to make some changes in my everyday life and allow my greatness to roar! If you are open and allow it, the New Moon will help you do just that, to help you think about things differently approach life differently, and changeyour ways. It is time to explore and make your checklist of what you desire to change.What are your hopes, dreams and wishes? Ask the Universe to help you see a new way to approach these desires. Think out of the box and see yourself living with these changes. New Moon in Sagittarius effects can bring restlessness AND help us maintain a positive outlook on life. Have a sense of adventure and feel free toexpress your feelings with openness and honesty. General New Moon effects signifies a new beginning and fresh start - like an etch-a-sketch shaken clean to create a new picture. It is time for planting seeds. The planets affect us. They are the focal points of the horoscopes but, the energy and movements of the planets also jump start our soul and assist us on our path. They keep us moving forward. Each planet in the horoscope has specific functions and related meanings; this includes the sun and moon The moon defines many things in our lives, such as feelings and emotions, instincts and intuition, memory and imagination, habits and repetitive patterns. Our home and family (females in general) moods, anxiety, our ability to adapt and change are all influenced by the moon. Many of you have been asking for a healing, may it be with the heart, body or soul, and this card came forth as reminder that "In the asking, it is done" and to trust that your prayers or asking has been heard by divine. The divine is the unknown, that works the miracles or magic that we witness, the angels are in abundance waiting to serve, it is for you to ask and yet the KEY is to believe. In the asking it is done. Simple reminder "don't undo in doubt what you have already done in faith". This tells us that when we believe the healing is in motion, and yet that creation of healing may come in an instant or take time, but it is for us to stand firm that it is done. Not to step back into the thought of uncertainly or disbelief, it is to believe that you, or another IS healed
Today I believe, and willingly receive my healing, knowing it comes in divine timing, bringing a peace and ease into existence NOW! |
AuthorInsights and Intuitive sharing by Karol Lee Archives
January 2025