Mercury Retrograde in Capricorn. It's tough love and intervention time! It can be uncomfortable but it challenges us to make changes, and corrections needed in our life, so we can move forward on the path we desire. Mercury Retrograde December 19 to January 8, has a shadow effect period of a week before and after, and it's a time to just go with what ever comes your way. It's action helps re-calibrates us and get life back on track. The tough love part, is Mercury points out the weak spots allowing us the awareness to fix them. It is known for bring the "RE" time. These "RE's" or sometimes can be the Mean Reds, aren't all pleasant but they show up for our highest good. Just keep reminding yourself that! Mercury defines the ability to think, gather information and communicate. It effects our mental concentration, focus, and perception. Communication in speaking, and writing, contracts and agreements, siblings and co-workers. It's time of applying patience and grace with your expectations and be aware of how you speak to others, for it might backfire. It is not a time for any new contracts or agreements for they most likely wont be kept. If you have one that has been in the works prior, the energy will bring to light what needs to be fixed before signed. Mercury's job is to bring truth, awareness, understanding to the surface. Which means change. It brings what needs to be cleaned up and secrets revealed. It helps us look at what potentially was left out or needs to be fixed letting us move forward on our path in the right way. The sign that Mercury goes retrograde is the area that we are going to be doing the work. Capricorn is the place Mercury is Retrograde, which rules government and big business. This brings anything hidden forward, and somethings could potentially cause chaos. It brings change in peoples lives, resignations, demotions, promotions, cancelations and rescheduling. People often change their minds at this time. its a great time to re-evaluate your personal and business goals for the coming year, and see if there might be any holes in your plan. Its time to make things sound entering into 2017. Awareness to those in the leadership role, things unknown may cone forth, in which you may have to take a strong actions to correct, but it will have to be done. This sign will highlights government, and secrecy....that's all I need to say on that. What you should know... Let me first say, it is not a good time to buy any electronics for Christmas. It's also not favorable for repairs on anything with moving parts, machinery or automobiles, for you will end up repairing the repairs. Mercury Retrograde effects travel, and all areas of communication regarding travel. You can expect delays if you do not stay on top of all arrangements for it could bring unnecessary stress. For those who travel for business, travel agency or personal assistants, it is time to pay close attention and stay on top of things. Make sure all forms of communication is clear, which can be challenging when this planet also brings foggy thinking. It could effect weather with outages, heavy snow, more brushfires, street lights and more, if you are a traveler keep an eye on the weather for the forecasts can change quickly. There are no magic words I can offer, just tell you to have a strategy. You can thank me later! The good part, this process is for our higher purpose and makes us stop, look and listen. It's a time that brings balance into our lives. Its a time of releasing the old, and brings an awareness to what we thought we didn't want, could just be the answer to what we need, making it what we want. Be open and of integrity for the messenger of Mercury is claiming our authority and being true to oneself. I am a intuitive channel sharing information on the planets and how they effect us.
I hope this information assists you. ~ Karol Lee
AuthorInsights and Intuitive sharing by Karol Lee Archives
January 2025